250 minus 15 = 235
To simplify the fraction 235/250, you need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator (235) and the denominator (250). The GCF of 235 and 250 is 5. Divide both the numerator and denominator by 5 to simplify the fraction. The simplified form of 235/250 is 47/50.
To find 40 percent of 250, you can multiply 250 by 0.40 (which is the decimal equivalent of 40 percent). This calculation would look like 250 x 0.40 = 100. Therefore, 40 percent of 250 is 100.
250 - 225 / 250 *100 = 250 - 0.9*100 = 250 - 90 = 160 The answer is exact so percent error is zero.
68% of 250= 68% * 250= 0.68 * 250= 170
235 is 94% of 250.
235/250 as a decimal is 0.94
235/250 = 47/50 = 94/100 = 94%
250 - 15 = 235
10% of any number in the hundreds is the number itself minus a zero. So 10% of 250 would be 25.
250 minus 15 = 235
One hundred eighty take away one hundred forty percent of change would equal to 112. This is a math problem.
40% of 250% = 1True. So 40% % of 250% = 0.01
36 percent percent of 250 is 0.9
95 percent of 250 is 0.95 * 250 equals 237.5
38 percent of 250 is 95.