To determine how many times 27 goes into 108, you need to divide 108 by 27. The result of this division is 4, which means that 27 goes into 108 exactly 4 times without any remainder. So, 27 goes into 108 four times.
27 goes into 92 3 times with a remainder of 11
27 goes into 66 2 times, with a remainder of 12.
6 goes into 27 - 4 times with a remainder of 1/2.
27 goes into 172 six times with a remainder of ten.
It goes: 810/27 = 30 times
To determine how many times 27 goes into 108, you need to divide 108 by 27. The result of this division is 4, which means that 27 goes into 108 exactly 4 times without any remainder. So, 27 goes into 108 four times.
27 goes into 72 about 2.66666666667 times. You get this answer by dividing 72 by 27.
Exactly 27 times
it goes in 5 times
Exactly 27 times
27 goes into 92 3 times with a remainder of 11
27 goes into 66 2 times, with a remainder of 12.
4 2/3 times
To find out how many times 45 goes into 387, you would divide 387 by 45. The answer is 8 with a remainder of 27. This means that 45 goes into 387 exactly 8 times, with 27 left over.