It's 74%. The easiest way to convert a fraction to a percent is to make the denominator 100, because then the numerator will be your percent. So to make 37/50 have a denominator of 100, you have to multiply both numbers by 2 (because 50*2 is 100). That gives you a new fraction of 74/100, so 74% is your percentage.
37/50... It's the equivalent of 74%
No. But 0.5 is. Percent means out of 100 → 50% = 50/100 = 1/2 = 0.5
74% = 74/100 = 37/50
34% = 17/50
4/100, which can be reduced to 2/50
37/50... It's the equivalent of 74%
37/50 is equal to 74/100. So 37/50=74%
26 percent.
To find 37 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.37. In this instance, 0.37 x 50 = 18.5. Therefore, 37 percent of 50 is 18.5.
To find 50 percent of 74, you first convert 50 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.50. Then, you multiply 0.50 by 74 to find the answer. So, 50 percent of 74 is 37.
Expressed as a percentage, 37/50 x 100 = 74 percent.
74 percent
37 or 36 cents
37/54 = 68.'518'% recurring '518'
To find 74% of 50, you multiply 50 by .74. You should get 37.