Negative 4 to the third power equals -64
Well, honey, if you're looking for a number that, when cubed, gives you 64, then the answer is 4. It's like math's little magic trick - 4 to the power of 3 is 64. So, there you have it - 4 is the sassy solution to your little math puzzle.
5,349 to the third power equals 153,044,523,549
If that equals zero, then x = 4
5 to the third power equals 125
1.03 to the third power equals 1.092727
8.1 to the third power equals 531.441
It means that that it equals 64. If you don't believe me , look it up on a calendar
1.2 to the third power equals 1.728
2 to the power of 3 equals 8.
It equals 1776