500.2 is a decimal number that falls between 500 and 501 on the number line. It can also be expressed as a fraction as 500.2/1. In terms of place value, the 5 in 500.2 represents 500, the 0 represents 0.2, and the 2 represents 0.02.
5.002 = 5002/1000 = 2501/500 (as an improper fraction) = 51/500 (as a mixed number)
There are an infinite number of possibilities, including but not limited to: * 5000.00000000001 * 5999 * 5500 * 5001 * 5002 * 5003 * 5010 * 5042
5.002 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 5002/1000. You can simplify this rational fraction if you so wish.
That depends what you're rounding to: To the nearest 5, 5002 To the nearest 10, 5004 To the nearest 100, 5049 To the nearest 1000, 5499 To the nearest 2500, 6249 To the nearest 5000, 7499 Rounding to anything above 5000 would not provide a result that could be 5000, so the largest whole number I can round to 5000 would be 7499.
It certainly is bigger, just think away the dot for a second and compare 5200 to 5002, which is more?
you can add -5002 to 5002 to get 0
install 5002
5002 meters = 16,410.7612 feet
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 638 5002 is 1,595,638.
5002 is an integer and cannot be simplified.
Viper car alarms 5002 how do you reset after remote battery dies?
1, 2, 41, 61, 82, 122, 2501, 5002 2, 41 and 61 are prime.