25 to the 2nd power, 5 to the 4th
1/5-4 = 625
10 to the 4th power is 10,000
5-4 = 1/54 = (1/5)4 or 0.24
The value of 5 to the negative 4th power (5-4) is 0.0016
2 to the 4th power times 5 to the 3rd power = 2,000
25 to the 2nd power, 5 to the 4th
2 to the 4th power = 16 multiplied by 5 = 80 plus 5 to the 2nd power = 25 mulitiplied by 7 = 255
its 5 to the 4th power times 5 to the fourth power and the answer is 390625
-54 = -625
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math now? Alright, so four over five to the fourth power is like... 0.4096. Yeah, I know, numbers can be a real buzzkill sometimes. Just remember, math is like a puzzle, but with less fun and more confusion.
2 to the 4th power = 16 multiplied by 5 = 80 plus 5 to the 2nd power = 25 mulitiplied by 7 = 255
Five to the negative 4th power = 5-4 = 625
1/5-4 = 625