If you mean 60 divided by 12 then it is exactly 5 with no remainder.
This is very easy to work out if you have a good head for numbers or a calculator. Just multiply the two numbers. 5 times 12 equals 60. Therefor 60 divided by 5 equals 12.
60 divided by 5 multiplied by 60,000 equals 720,000. 60÷5 = 12, 12×60,000 = 720,000.
600 divided by 60 equals 10.
If you mean 60 divided by 12 then it is exactly 5 with no remainder.
This is very easy to work out if you have a good head for numbers or a calculator. Just multiply the two numbers. 5 times 12 equals 60. Therefor 60 divided by 5 equals 12.
60 divided by 5 multiplied by 60,000 equals 720,000. 60÷5 = 12, 12×60,000 = 720,000.
600 divided by 60 equals 10.
There are 12 inches in a foot. 60 divided by 12 equals 5. 60 inches is the same as 5 feet.
60 inches divided by 12 inches per foot equals 5 feet.
60/x = 5 60 = 5x x = 12
If 6a divided by 2 equals 12 then A equals
Yes, 60/25 divided by 5/5 equals 12/5, your simplified fraction.