30 inches (29.527559055118110236220472440945)
What is 750mm equal to Look it say's To change from larger units to smaller units,multiply by the number of meters in 1 kilometers
Since a meter is 1000 mm, that would be 750mm/1000mm = 750/1000.
750 mm = 2.46 feet, approx.
30 inches (29.527559055118110236220472440945)
29.5275591 inches
750mm or 0.75m
What is 750mm equal to Look it say's To change from larger units to smaller units,multiply by the number of meters in 1 kilometers
Since a meter is 1000 mm, that would be 750mm/1000mm = 750/1000.
if the 750mm is length then its roughly 30 inches. Without knowing the depth of height, estimation would see it being 29 gallons.
From head to tail they are about 750mm. (Appx. 30 inches)
400mm to 750mm
You cannot have a percentage of a single measure.
If each student needs 750mm of tubing, the teacher should order 0.75 meters per student. To calculate the total tubing needed, multiply 0.75 meters by the number of students.
750 mm = 2.46 feet, approx.