The number 7 528 1000 in decimal form is 7,528,000. This is because each group of three digits in the number represents a place value in the decimal system, with the first group representing thousands, the second group representing millions, and so on. Therefore, by rearranging the digits accordingly, we get the decimal form 7,528,000.
No, it does not.
To write fourteen and seven thousandths as a decimal, you first write the whole number 14. Next, you convert the fraction 7/1000 to a decimal by dividing 7 by 1000, which equals 0.007. Finally, you combine the whole number and the decimal to get 14.007.
7 528/1000 = 7.528
It is: 7/528 times 100/1 = 1.32'57'% recurring decimal '57'
7/1000 as a decimal is 0.007
7/1000 km1 kilometer = 1000 meters7m * 1 km/1000 m = 7/1000 km in decimal fraction
7/1000 or 0.0070.7%: = 0.7%/100% * 10/10= 7/1000 in fraction= 0.007 in decimal
7/1000 = 0.007
7 ÷ 528 = 0.013257575757 recurring.
decimal = 0.007 fraction = 7/1000