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Q: 8 times the sum of a number and 4 is 72 find the number?
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The sum of two numbers is 72. One number is 3 more than the two times of the other number Find the numbers?

72 - 3 = 69, 69/3 = 23 which is the smaller number. 23 x 2 = 46, 46 + 3 = 49 which is the larger number

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82 + 8 = 64 + 8 = 72

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12 and 60 ============ a + b = 72 a = 5b replacing a by 5b in the first equation 5b + b = 72 6b = 72 b = 12 72 - 12 = 60

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The sum of the positive whole-number factors of 30 is 72.

The second of two numbers is 8 more than 3 times the first Their sum is 72 find the numbers?

y = 3x+8 x + y = 72 x = 16 y = 56

How do you find three consecutive numbers whose sum is 72?

Divide 72 by 3, this equals 24. This is the middle of the three numbers, so the answer is 23, 24 and 25. This works with finding any odd amount of consecutive numbers that sum up to another number.

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The sum of three consecutive integers is -72

What is the sum of 72?


The sum of two numbers is 72 four times the larger number minus three times the smaller number is 78 what are the numbers?

L + S = 72 so L = 72 - S; 4L - 3S = 78 ie 4(72 - S) - 3S = 78 ie 288 - 4S - 3S = 78 ie 7S = 210 so S = 30 and L = 42. And there you have it!

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72+73+74 = 219.

What two number whose sum is 176 and difference is 32?

104 and 72