The answer depends on the units used for 8x4.
One 8 metre x 4 metre sheet = 32 square metres.
4x8 equals 32
8-ft x 4-ft = 32 square feet
( 8x4) - (8x1) = 24
1 square foot = 144 square inches100 square feet = 14,400 square inches8-in x 4-in = 32 square inches14,400/32 = 450 pavers
2.973 sq. meters 1 foot = 30.48 cm 1 sq. foot = .0929 sq. meter 8 x 4 = 32 sq.ft. 32 sq ft = 2.973 sq. meter
Don't see any reason why the answer should not be 240 square feet!
The name "8x4" comes from the 32 characters of the active ingredient, Hexachloridhydroxydiphenylmethan.