The square root of 9025 is 95.
If its square root can be expressed as a rational number then it is a perfect square. 9075 is not a perfect square. However, 9025 is.
Lets see... sq root 8888 = 94.27618999514140314737153695235 952 = 9025, 9025 - 8888 = 137 so add 137 assuming you want a perfect square that is an integer.
The square root of 196 is 14.
The square root of 9025 is 95.
If its square root can be expressed as a rational number then it is a perfect square. 9075 is not a perfect square. However, 9025 is.
Lets see... sq root 8888 = 94.27618999514140314737153695235 952 = 9025, 9025 - 8888 = 137 so add 137 assuming you want a perfect square that is an integer.
The square root of 196 is 14.
The square root of 10 is 3.162278
It is: 11
It is 3 times the square root of 17
th squrae root of nine is 3
They are -19 or +19.