1 inch
To find all the numbers that 955 is divisible by, you first need to work out its prime factors. Because the number 955 ends in a 5, we can see that it divides by 5. Divide it by 5 and we get 191, which is a prime number. Thus, the only numbers that 955 can divide by are 1,5,191 and 955
1 inch
When rounding 955 to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place, which is 5. Since 5 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the hundreds place digit by 1. Therefore, 955 rounded to the nearest hundred is 1000.
It's already there.
To find all the numbers that 955 is divisible by, you first need to work out its prime factors. Because the number 955 ends in a 5, we can see that it divides by 5. Divide it by 5 and we get 191, which is a prime number. Thus, the only numbers that 955 can divide by are 1,5,191 and 955
about 2,581.08
This link gives some info on the meaning of the opening 3 characters. It might help. cheers, Dave http://www.ibiblio.org/tkan/audi/usmodels.html