symbol of number= #
A non-numeral is any word or symbol that represents a numeral, but is not a numeral. Therefore, an example of a non-numeral less than ten is three.
5280 / 985 = 5.36
The answer is "985 g".
985 or CMLXXXV
There are approximately 64 grams in 985 grains.
1 kilogram = 1000 gram > 985 grams
I mean Star (symbol) 985 Roma. I know that 985 is the manufacturer but I cannot find any information on them. Help.
To convert grams to liters, you need to know the density of ethyl acetate, which is approximately 0.902 grams per milliliter. Therefore, 985 grams of ethyl acetate is equivalent to approximately 1.09 liters.
There is no Roman numeral represented by the symbol Y.
It is: 11 = XI as a Roman numeral
symbol of number= #
A zero symbol
The Roman Numeral symbol for 500 is the letter D. You would represent the number 510 as DX.