A box and whisker plot has four quartiles in which its data is spread across.
You cannot. The mode is not part of a box and whisker plot.
Oh, dude, finding the mean, median, mode, and range on a box and whisker plot is like trying to make a sandwich with a hammer. The box and whisker plot already shows you the median (that's the line in the box) and the range (from whisker to whisker). The mean and mode aren't typically shown on a box plot because they're off doing their own thing, not invited to the box and whisker party.
On a standard box-and-whisker plot, the averages used are medians. Arithmetic means are used in some box-and-whisker plots, but most use medians.
no no sorry to say it, but it can NEVER go on the outside
No, they are two different things. Mainly because the Box And Whisker Plot has a different technique and focuses on highs and lows. The Stem and Leaf Plot has to do with key codes, grouping numbers, and amounts.
the example for the box and whisker plot is THESE NUTSS
A box and whisker plot is a sort of graph used to show a period of time such as a time line or a line graph. To really found out what a box and whisker plot is you should ask a teacher
how about you tell me what a misleading box and whisker plot is first and then ill answer ur question ;)
The lower quartile is the line that represents the left-hand edge of the "box", in the box and whisker plot.
You cannot. The mode is not part of a box and whisker plot.
Oh, dude, finding the mean, median, mode, and range on a box and whisker plot is like trying to make a sandwich with a hammer. The box and whisker plot already shows you the median (that's the line in the box) and the range (from whisker to whisker). The mean and mode aren't typically shown on a box plot because they're off doing their own thing, not invited to the box and whisker party.
On a standard box-and-whisker plot, the averages used are medians. Arithmetic means are used in some box-and-whisker plots, but most use medians.
Nothing. Most box and whisker plots do not have 88 on them!
Nobody likes cats
The box-and-whisker plot is simply a visual representation. It doesn't describe anything specific like height and weight. If you don't understand what a box-and-whisker plot is, you should be asking about what a box-and-whisker plot is. This is much like asking about what a pie chart is or a bar graph is... it's meaningless without context.
The inter-quartile range.