Your question isn't fully clear, but if you are referring to the process of division of numbers, the "number left over" is called a remainder.
The superlative of clear is clearest.
It’s not on the album “last to walk” it’s on a collaboration album with Fiend called “Da Headbussaz” the song is actually called “get the f out of my face” and the iconic sample that was featured on the song has been removed. Probably couldn’t clear it.
The bacteria in the clear area around the paper disc soaked in the spot lotion were likely killed or inhibited from growing. The spot lotion contains chemicals that are effective against bacteria, creating a zone of inhibition where bacterial growth is suppressed.
Fleming found that some bacteria produce antibiotics but by mistake. He made a streak plate and it became contaminated by a fungi. He noticed around the bacteria that there was a clear space and deducted that the clear space contained antibiotics made by the fungi. This fungi was called penicillin notatum. Later Florey and Chain actually isolated the substance called an antibiotic. This term means against life. This antibiotic was mass-produced and eventually was used by the troops in World War II.
Iodine is added into bacteria so that you can get a clear image when you are looking into the microscope.
Political parties
Capsules appear as a clear halo surrounding stained bacteria when using the capsule stain procedure. The capsule itself does not stain, allowing it to show up as a clear area against the stained background of the bacteria.
No, amoxicillin is effective only against Gram positive bacteria and has no effect on viruses at all. Incidentally, there is no cure for parvovirus - the dog must clear it on its own.
The zone of inhibition in microbiology experiments is measured by using a ruler to determine the diameter of the clear area around an antimicrobial disk where bacteria do not grow. This measurement helps determine the effectiveness of the antimicrobial agent against the bacteria being tested.
It is called a clear worm.
No.....its against the law to clear codes.
A clear zone in bacteria, such as seen in a bacterial lawn on an agar plate, is usually formed when bacteria produce substances like antibiotics or enzymes that can inhibit the growth of other bacteria in the vicinity. This inhibitory effect leads to a clear or transparent zone around the bacteria that produced the inhibitory substance.
The container used for growing mold or bacteria is called a Petri dish. It is a shallow, flat dish made of clear glass or plastic with a lid to create a controlled environment for the growth of microorganisms.
Yes. If you have ever been on Anti-biodics, then you should know. The medicine you take kills all bacteria (even the good ones). You take more medicine to replace the good bacteria. This medicine is called A-biotics.