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you round the tens place 20.0

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Adrian Nava

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Q: A decimal number changed to 23.7 after it was rounded what is a smaller number that rounds to 23.7 and a greater number that rounds to 23.7?
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No, 4.10 is greater. Since 0.45 is behind the decimal, it is smaller.

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There is no "least possible decimal greater than 0" in math. If you take, lets say, .000000000000000000000000000000000000001, there is a smaller decimal: .0000000000000000000000000000000000000001. There is no answer.

What is the least possible decimal greater than zero?

There is no such thing.Choose any positive decimal - as small as you want. You can always create one that is even smaller, for instance, dividing it by 10 (adding an additional zero after the decimal point). For example, if you choose 0.000001, you can create a smaller decimal if you divide it by ten: 0.0000001. Since it is ALWAYS smaller to create an even smaller positive decimal, it follows that there is no smallest such decimal.

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It is smaller than but if it was rounded to 1 decimal point then it would become 0.9

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no it is less because the number before the decimal point is smaller

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You may or you may not. If you divided by a decimal number that is greater than 1 then you will get a smaller number whereas if you divide by a number less than 1 then you will get a larger number.

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It is 27.6 since 4 the 4 after the 1st six is smaller than five

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Less. More decimal places to the right of the decimal point means the number is getting smaller.

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2,350 is 34.3% greater (more) than 1,750. (rounded) 1,750 is 25.5% smaller (less) than 2,350. (rounded)

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The number 28.03 is more valuable than 28.003. The more number you have after the decimal the smaller the value.

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No. 0.375 > (greater than) 0.250. When comparing If a decimal is bigger or smaller than one another look for the decimal that is closer to reaching 1.0. If you notice 0.375 is closer to 1.0 than 0.250.