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That is a plane.

Any one of infinitely many planes.

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9y ago

That is a plane.

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9y ago

Any one of infinitely many planes.

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Q: A flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points would wholly lie?
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What is in a plane?

A plane is a flat, closed figure.a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie:

What is a plane in geometry?

A plane is a flat, closed figure.a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie:

What is a convex decagon?

A convex decagon is one in which no angle is a reflex angle.Another definition is that given any two points inside the decagon, the straight line joining the two points must lie wholly inside the decagon.

What is a concave polyhedron?

Formally, a polgon is concave if there is at least one pair of points in (or on) the polyhedron such that the straight line joining the two points is not wholly inside (or on) the polyhedron.In less formal terms, a concave polygon is one which has a bit going inwards.

What is a convex octagon?

A convex polygon, including an octagon, is a 2d shape such that any straight line joining any two points on its boundary lies wholly within the shape. This is assured if each of its interior angles is less than 180 degrees.

Is a octagon convex?

A convex polygon, including an octagon, is a 2d shape such that any straight line joining any two points on its boundary lies wholly within the shape. This is assured if each of its interior angles is less than 180 degrees.

What is the difference between a convex shape and a concave shape?

i dont think any1 knows * * * * * A concave polygon has at least one reflex angle. Equivalently, in a convex polygon, a line joining ANY two points in (or on) the polygon lie wholly within (or on) the polygon. In a concave polygon there are at least two points for which the line joining them does not lie wholly inside (or on) the polygon.

How do you determine whether a polygon is convex or non-convex?

No interior angle of a convex polygon can exceed 180 degrees. A non-convex polygon has at least one reflex angle (> 180 degrees). Alternatively, a polygon is convex if, given any two points on or inside the polygon, the straight line joining the two points must lie wholly on or inside the polygon. In a non-convex polygon, it is possible to find a pair of points such that the straight line joining them lies outside the polygon for at least some of its length.

What is the math definition of plane?

In mathematics, a plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in all directions. It is characterized by having no thickness or curvature, and it is defined by three non-collinear points or a point and two non-parallel lines. A plane can be represented by an equation in three-dimensional space, typically in the form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, where A, B, and C are constants and x, y, and z are variables.

How can you tell whether a polygon is a convex?

A polygon (or any other plane shape) is convex if you take any two points inside it (or on its boundary) then the line joining those points is wholly inside (or on the boundary of) the polygon.

What the difference between convex and non convex polygons?

In a non-convex (or concave) polygon, at least one interior angle is a reflex angle. An alternative definition is that if you take any two points inside a conves polygon, the line joining them is wholly inside the polygon.

What is a hollow or depression in earths surface wholly or partly surrounded by higher land?

A basin