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Q: A great greek mathematician and inventor the principal of buoyancy was his most famous discovery?
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Who discovered the principal of bouyancy?

The person who discovered the principle of buoyancy was Archimedes. In addition to being a physicist and mathematician, Archimedes was also an inventor, an astronomer, and an engineer.

Who is a greek mathematician and inventor?

Archimedes is a famous Greek mathematician and inventor. He made significant contributions to the field of mathematics, including the discovery of buoyancy principles and the calculation of the value of pi. He also invented various machines, such as the Archimedes screw and a heat ray device known as the "burning mirrors."

Who shouted saying Eureka after getting into a bath?

Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor, is said to have exclaimed "Eureka!" when he discovered the principle of buoyancy while taking a bath. This event is a famous anecdote illustrating a moment of sudden insight or discovery.

Is there any scientist who discovered bouyancy?

Archimedes, an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer, is credited with discovering the principle of buoyancy. According to legend, Archimedes made the discovery when he observed the water displaced by his body while taking a bath.

WHo discovered bouyancy?

Archimedes, a Greek mathematician and inventor, is credited with discovering the principle of buoyancy. He made this discovery while in a bath, noting the water displacement when he got in. This principle is known as Archimedes' principle.

When did Bill Gates become a mathematician inventor?

Never. Bill Gates is not a mathematician.

Read the sentence. A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes designed some of the first simple machines. Which group of words forms the complete subject A Greek mathematician and inventor na?

"A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes" is the complete subject.

A great greek mathematician and inventor?


Who was a famous mathematician and inventor in Greece?


Who is Achimedes?

Archimedes is an ancient Greek inventor and mathematician

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