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Q: A line connecting all points along the same longitudinal angle is called a?
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Do nodes and antinodes occur in longitudinal waves?

No, nodes and antinodes do not occur in longitudinal waves. Nodes and antinodes are specific points of constructive and destructive interference, which are characteristic of transverse waves, not longitudinal waves. In a longitudinal wave, particles oscillate parallel to the direction of wave propagation, with areas of compression and rarefaction instead of nodes and antinodes.

Why a longitudinal wave can not be made to travel along a string?

Longitudinal waves travel on a string!

Points A B and C lie along the same line What can these points be called?


What keeps a sailboat from tipping over?

A main longitudinal structure along the bottom of the sailboat called the keel. This is what prevents it from tipping over.

Why is it called longitudinal waves?

Longitudinal waves are called so because the vibration of the particles is parallel to the direction of the wave propagation. This means that the particles move back and forth in the same direction that the wave is traveling, creating compressions and rarefactions along the wave.

In a longitudinalwave moving along a spring areas where the coils are the farthest apart are called?

In a longitudinal wave moving along a spring, the areas where the coils are the farthest apart are called rarefactions. These are regions of lower density and pressure in the wave where the coils are spread out.

What is the Definition of longitudinal axis?

longitudinal axis: An axis along the lengthwise direction of the figure or body, usually passing through its center of gravity.

Describe the anterior longitudinal ligament often damaged when whiplash occurs?

The anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) runs along the front of the vertebral bodies in the spine, connecting and stabilizing them. When whiplash occurs, the rapid back-and-forth motion of the head and neck can strain or tear the ALL. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and instability in the spine.

What is the wave that is combination of transverse and longitude waves are called?

A wave that is a combination of transverse and longitudinal waves is called a surface wave. Surface waves travel along the boundary between two mediums, exhibiting characteristics of both transverse and longitudinal waves. These waves are commonly seen in earthquakes and ocean waves.

Why Sound is longitudinal wave?

The movement of particles in a sound vibration is only along one axis, along the line of travel. Although they are called waves, the motion is not the same as the traditional meaning of 'wave'. Subscribe to BU1BASAUR on YouTube

A line graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight line is called?

nonlinear graph

A line graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight line is called a?

nonlinear graph.