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false-apex :)

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Q: A line segment may have more than one end point true or false?
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What is the degree of a line segment?

One line segment is 180 degrees because it is a straight line. If you have 2 or more intersecting line segments, the degree of the angle will vary.

Can a line segment have 2 midpoints?

No it has to have at least 3 or more

Is a ray line segment or line longer?

Let's think of a line segment as a finite set of points. Along those lines, (pun intended) think of a ray and a line as infinite sets of points. Then we think of longer in terms of the size of the set. So for example, a 2 inch line segment would be longer than a 1 inch line segment because we can have more points in the set which is made of the two inch segment. The ray and the line are the same size since they both can be viewed as sets containing an infinite number of points. The line segment being a finite set is smaller than the other two.

How can you divide a hexagon into 8?

Select any point inside the hexagon and draw a line segment to any point on the boundary of the hexagon. Draw 7 more such segments. These will divide the hexagon into 8 parts. The parts will not be equal but that was not a requirement of the question.

What tool do use to layout a 90 degrees angle?

If available, a protractor or a right drawing triangle can be used. If restricted to ruler and compass, a right angle can also be constructed to a given line segment by drawing a circle, with a radius less than the length of the line segment but more than half that length, with each end of the line segment as a center and connecting the two points of intersection of the two circles above and below the line. The line connecting to two intersections of these circles will form as right angle to the line segment.

Related questions

Does a line segment have one more point than a ray?

A line segment has one more point than a ray

What must be true if a segment intersects another segment at more than one point?

That means that it is not a line segment.

How many endpoints does a line segment have?

A line segment has exactly two endpoints. If it had less, then it would just be a point. If it was more, then it wouldn't be a segment anymore.

Why a line segment cannot have two midpoint?

A line segment cannot have more than one midpoints because the midpoint is the halfway point between (or the middle of) the line segment, and the midpoint is exactly halfway between the beginning and exactly halfway between the end of the line segment, not a third of the way, etc.

How do you get a perpendicular bisector on a line segment?

Set a compass to draw a circle with a radius that's more than half the length of the line segment but less than the whole length.Put the compass point at one end of the segment and draw an arc above the middle of the segment and another below the middle of the segment.Put the compass point at the other end of the segment and again draw arcs above and below the middle of the segment, intersecting the first two arcs.Draw a line connecting the point where the two arcs intersect above the segment and the point where they intersect below the segment.That's your perpendicular bisector.

A line ray or segment that intersects two or more coplaner lines rays or sgments each at a different point?


A line segment may have more than midpoint?

A line segment cannot have more than one midpoint or else you will be creating multiple line segments that are connected to each other. A line segment can only have one midpoint.

How many points does a line segment have?

Infinite! When you speak of a "point" on a line segment, you're referring to infinitely small locations, not physical dots that you might draw on the segment. If you think of a "point" as being located at a certain distance from one of the end points of a 3 inch segment, such as 2.31 inches from the left side, you could always add more and more decimal places to the distance, such as 2.3173... to identify an infinite number of "points" or locations on the segment. A segment has 2 points one at the end and one at the beginning.**The answer as to how many points are on a line segment is "infinite". A given line segment is determined by it's two "end points", but has an infinite set of points between and including these two end points that make up the segment itself.

How do you find a segment bisector?

Adjust a compass so the distance between the point and the pencil is more than half of the length of the segment. With the point at one end of the segment draw an arc that intersects the segment. Without adjusting the compass, with the point at the other end of the segment draw an arc that intersects the first arc at two places. The line that includes those two intersecting points is the perpendicular bisector.

A line segment may have more than one midpoint?

A line segment cannot have more than one midpoint or else you will be creating multiple line segments that are connected to each other. A line segment can only have one midpoint.

What is a convex heptagon?

No. Convex simply means that if you have a straight line segment joining any two points in (or on) a convex shape, then every point on that line segment in inside or on the shape. A convex shape can have 2 or more dimensions, it can by a polygon or have curved sides.

What is line segment RA?

with no other details I can only explain it as the distance between point R and point A. More details are needed if you want that distance when compared with other points.