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A transversal.

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Q: A line that intersects two or more coplanar lines?
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What is a line that intersects two or more coplanar lines at different points?

It is a tranversal.

A is a line that intersects two or more coplaner lines at different points?

How very interesting. And the question is ... ? Every line will intersect an infinite number of coplanar lines - not just "two or more".

A line that intersects two or more lines on a plane is a?

a line that intersects two or more lines on a plane is a

Are two lines with a transversal coplanar?

Usually, a transversal is a line that intersects two (or more) parallel lines. In that case the lines and the transversal are coplanar. However, a transversal does not have to intersect parallel lines. And in that case, the lines need not be coplanar. Here's one way to visualise the latter situation. Stand in a cuboid room. Line one = the edge joining the wall opposite you to the ceiling. Line two = the edge joining the wall on your right to the floor. Transvesal = the edge joining the opposite wall to the wall on your right. The transversal meets both the two lines but lines 1 and 2 are not coplanar.

A line that intersects two or more lines?


What is transverse line?

A transverse line is a line that intersects two or more other lines or figures at an angle of 90 degrees. It is a line that runs perpendicular to the other lines it intersects.

What is a line that intersects with two or more lines?

i think transvesal

A line that intersects two or more parallel lines?


A line that intersects two or more lines at different points is a?

It is a transversal.

A line that intersects two or more lines is called?

It is called a Transversal

What is A line that intersects 2 or more lines at different points?

2x+438395 NUT

What are the meaning of collinear and coplanar points?

They are lines or points that lie on the same plane. Remember 3 or more points are collinear if they lie on the same line. IF those lines lie on the same plane they are coplanar.