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there are two gloves in a pair. 2 x 30 = 60. The merchant bought 60 gloves.

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Q: A merchant bought 30 pairs of gloves. How many individual gloves did the merchant buy?
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A mercant bought 30 dozen pairs of gloves how many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

360 individual pairs of gloves

A merchant buys 30 dozen pairs of gloves how many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

First work out how many pairs of gloves the merchant bought. He bought 30 dozen. A dozen is 12, so 30 x 12 = is 360. A pair of gloves is two individual gloves. So 360 pairs x 2 = 720. The merchant bought 720 individual gloves.

If merchant bought 30 dozen pairs of gloves how many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

30*12*2 = 720

A merchant bought 30 dozen pairs of gloves How many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

720 ! 30 x 12 x 2

Bought 30 dozen pair of glover then individual gloves did the merchant buy?

30 dozen pairs = 30 * 12 * 2 = 720 individual gloves.

You have 13536 pairs of gloves how many dozen do you have?

You have 1128 dozen pairs of gloves.

Thirty dozen gloves how many individuals gloves did I buy?

Thirty dozen is 30x12=360 gloves. Each individual gets two gloves so 360/2=180 people would have pair of gloves. This assumes all individuals have to hands.Alternately. 30 dozen gloves is 30/2=15 dozen pairs of gloves or 15x12=180 pairs. 1 pair per person meets the needs of 180 people.

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How many pairs of gloves are needed to show at least 65 fingers?

13 gloves

Is it pair or pairs?

Either pair or pairs is correct, but the usage will determine which. Pants, shoes, gloves and some other things come in pairs, and in general usage, a pair is two (as you probably already knew). Further, we can talk about one pair, or a number of pairs of things. Here are some examples of the singular usage:She was caught in the downpour, and the water ruined her new pair of shoes.He bought a pair of pants and two sport shirts.The boy and girl each packed a pair of warm gloves for the trip.Here are some examples of the plural usage:Several pairs of gloves were lying on the table by the door.The clerk rang up the three pairs of pants and the belt for the young man.There were many pairs of shoes on the discount rack.

If i was getting boxing gloves for me and a friend how many pairs would i need?

You would need two pairs. One pair for you and one pair for your friend.