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zero property of addition! =D

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Zero property of addition?

Any number plus zero is that number.

What is the property of (5 plus x ) plus 0 5 plus x?

The identity property for addition tells us that zero added to any number is the number itself. Zero is called the "additive identity."

What is a number greater than zero called?

A number greater than zero is called a positive number, while a number below zero is called a negative number.

When two numbers equal zero?

Any number minus itself equals zero. Any number plus its opposite equals zero. Any number times zero equals zero.

What is the importance of zero in number system?

zero is the very important in number system because zero is the center on number line without zero we cannot place minus or plus

What is greater then zero plus?

Any positive number is greater than zero.

Why is 0 called an identiy number for addition?

Because zero plus anything produces an identity, that is, the original thing itself.

Does a negetive number plus a positive number equal a negetive number?

Not necessarily. A negative number plus a positive number can be negative, zero or positive.

What is a negative number plus a negative number?

a negative number. think banking..... no money plus no money is ? Nothing (negative) "no money" would be zero, wouldn't it? Zero, or "nothing", is not negative. Still, a negative number plus a negative number is a negative number. minus X plus minus Y equals minus(X + Y).

What is zero minus a negative number?

Zero minus (or plus) any number is that number. To clarify: 0 - (-2) = 2 0 - (-36) = 36

Number less then zero is called?

A negative number

What is a number greater that zero called?

a positive number