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Q: A number with one are more digits to the right?
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What is number one or more to right of decimal?

a is a number with one or more digits to the right of a decimal point.

What is a number with one or more digits that is to the right of a decimal?

It is a decimal fraction.

A number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point?

expanded form

A number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point is a what?

Expanded form

What is a number with one or more digits to the right of a decimal point called?


What is the answer to a number with one or more digits to the right of a decimal point is called a?

It is a decimal fraction.

What it is called reducing the number of digits in a number by eliminating one or more significant digits on the right is termed?

It's called 'rounding' - either up or down.

What do you call a number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point?

A real number. Or, the decimal representation of a real number.

What ia a number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point called?

It is a decimal fraction.

Is there a known number with more than 1 billon digits?

A googol is one followed by 100 zeros ( 100 digits). That is less than a billion digits, for sure. But a googolplex is one follwed by a googol number of zeros. That is more than a billion digits, for sure.

What is a number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point?

It is no different from any other type of number. For example.. 4.00=4 +/- 0.5 5.43X10^2=543 See?

When multiplying two factors each one with a decimal place how many decimal places should the answer have?

You need to add up the number of digits to the right of the decimal to find the number of digits in the answer. If the first factor has 2 digits to the right of the decimal point and the second factor has 3, the final answer will have 5 digits to the right of the decimal point.