Metric Conversion:
No Prefix (meter) - 1 - 1 meter in a meter
Centi (centimeter) - 100 - 100 cm in a meter
Milli (millimeter) - 1000 - 1000 mm in a meter
From this you can derive other relationships. For example, to determine how many millimeters in a centimeter you can divide 1000(number of millimeters in a meter) by 100 (number of centimers in a meter) to get 10 millimeters in a centimeter.
Since you have 440 centimeters and you need to convert it to millimeters, you multiple the number by 10 (the amount of millimeters in a centimeter) to get 4400 millimeters.
Also, stop cheating on your homework.
8 meters. :) WRONG! It's 6 meters. Fred's rope = 6 Susan's rope = 18 Allison's rope = 12 6 + 18 + 12 = 36
To convert centimeters to millimeters, you need to multiply by 10 since there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter. Therefore, if the thermometer is 25 cm long, you would multiply 25 by 10 to get the length in millimeters. The length of the thermometer in millimeters would be 250 mm.
A 274.3 metre long rope.
A standard tube of toothpaste is typically around 15 centimeters long, which is equivalent to 150 millimeters. The conversion from centimeters to millimeters is achieved by multiplying the length in centimeters by 10, since there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter. Therefore, a 15-centimeter tube of toothpaste would be 150 millimeters long.
1 meter is greater than 200 millimeters. There are 1000 millimeters in a meter.
Remember there are 100 cm = 1 m Hence in 440 cm there are 4.40 m.
173.2 inches
multiply by 101 centimeter (cm) is 10 millimeters (mm)So, if you have a 40 cm long rope, you can also say it is 400 mm long.
How long is 700 millimeters?
The rope is equivalent to 216 inches long.
Rope thickness is typically measured in terms of diameter, which is commonly expressed in millimeters (mm) or inches (in). This measurement refers to the width of the rope when viewed straight on.
The word "rope" has a long vowel sound in the letter "o."
It is believed that Roy Rodgers rope was about 26' long.
8 meters. :) WRONG! It's 6 meters. Fred's rope = 6 Susan's rope = 18 Allison's rope = 12 6 + 18 + 12 = 36
11 millimeters = 0.433070866 inchesor11 millimeters = 1.1 centimeters11 millimeters is 0.43 inches.
It would be 140 millimeters long.
Yes. The O in rope has a long O (oh) sound and the E is silent.