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if that line segment intersects the centre of the circle it is called a radius.

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Q: A segment with end points of the circle?
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A segment with end points on the circle?

A segment with end points on a circle is a chord.

What is a segment with ended points on the circle?

A segment with end points on a circle is a chord of that circle.

Whats a segment with end points on the circle?

An Chord is a segment with end points on the circle. Your welcome. :)

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What is a line passing through the center of a circle with both end points on the circle called?

This is a line segment called a diameter of the circle.

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The only diameter would be a line segment connecting the end points of the half-circle arc.

What does the word chord mean in math?

A segment inside a circle with end points that lie in the circumference.

A line segment that intersects with two points on a circle is called what?

A line segment that intersects with or joins two points on a circle is called a chord.

What is a line segment with its end points on the circumference of a circle?

A line segment with its endpoints on the circumference (curve) of a circle is called a chord of that circle. If it passes through the center of the circle (which it can, but does not have to do), it is called a diameter of the circle. See the links below for more information.Is called a radius.

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