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Q: A sequence of steps leading to a desired end?
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What method of writing body paragraphs analyzes the steps necessary to achieve a desired end?

Explaining the process

What is a story sequence?

Sequence is a line of events in chronological order, usually starting with the event farthest back in time and leading up to the present, or end, of the book.

What is the difference between an infinite sequence and a finite sequence?

A finite sequence has a beginning and an end, whereas an infinite sequence has no end.

What are the major steps of mRNA transcription?

mRNA is produced based on the DNA code. If the original (correct) sequence is AGC, then the correct mRNA sequence should be UCG.However, the mutated DNA sequence (ATC) now codes for the mRNA sequence UAG. So, the incorrect DNA sequence is spread through to create an incorrect mRNA sequence.

If the sticky end of a nucleotide sequence is TTAA what is next?

If the sticky end of a sequence is TTAA, it can bind to a DNA molecule with the sequence AATT

How do you order the steps in any major diatonic scale?

Whole whole half whole whole whole half. These steps will create a major scale wherever you start on a piano, unless you start too high to get to the end of the sequence.

What is finite sequence?

Has an end.

Why are there thirty nine steps in John Buchans novel?

The simple answer is that there are 39 steps in Broadstairs, Kent, England leading into the sea. John Buchan used these steps as the basis of the end of the novel. It seems as good as number as any, so he probably thought he didn't have to change it.

What is a formal exposition?

A formal exposition is a written or spoken discussion that explains or analyzes a topic in a detailed and organized manner. It typically follows a clear structure and presents arguments or information in a logical sequence to inform or persuade the audience.

Words that end in CE?

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Which number should come at the end of the series 1 4 9 16?

The next number is 25 but there are the sequence is infinite so there can be no end to the sequence.

List the two nucleotide sequence that are complementary to the sticky end sequence on the human DNA?

It is GGCC and CCGG!