

Best Answer

Forensic mathematics is critical within the area of DNA.The goeometric mean is used when findin g the area of a fingerprint. Click on the related links section indicated below for some very detailed information concerning this issue.

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Q: A serious answer why is math used in forensic science?
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What type of mathematics are used for forensic science?

are there any answer that math is related to forensic science

How does a forensic scientist use math?

Forensic science is any branch of science used to analyze crime scene evidence for a court of law. All science uses math concepts and equations, and forensic scientists are well educated in mathematical concepts they use to analyze evidence from crime scenes.such as Measurements, Proportions, Trigonometry

How is science used in forensics?

Forensic Science.

How is math used in forensic science?

you dumb asses really thnk you you have a chance of getting this job nice help other guy check this website out im sure it will help

How is science used every day?

Science is math and math is science

How can UV light be used in forensic science?


What types of science are involved in forensic science?

botany chemistry biology zoologyANY of the sciences may be used to solve legal questions and therefore 'forensic' might be appended to that science - e.g. forensic geology.Commonly used in the crime laboratory are Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

How are skeletons used in forensic science?

They're used in forensic science to help you learn about specific parts ofthe body. they may also be used by helping you learn about bones,muscles and joints.

What's the difference between a forensic scientist and a forensic science technician?

A forensic scientist is typically involved in analyzing evidence in a laboratory setting and providing expert testimony, while a forensic science technician is usually responsible for collecting and processing evidence at crime scenes. Forensic scientists often have more specialized training and expertise in a particular scientific field, while forensic science technicians have more general knowledge of crime scene investigation techniques.

Can math be used in science?

Depending on what science you mean, quite often it HAS TO be used. Some sciences, such as physics or chemistry, are all about applying math.

How would forensic science be used in court?

by playing call of duty

Is math the pure science?

Math is a language not a science. Better stated Math is a pure language. In addition, math is used to model a science and eventually draw conclusion from it.