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A line segment is a set of points between the two main end points. A line segment is always connected and has no open spaces.

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Q: A set of points between two endpoints?
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What is a set of points consisting of two endpoints and all of the points on the line between two endpoints?

this is called a line.

What are two endpoints with all the points between them called?

A line segment (sometimes just a segment) is two endpoints and all the points on a line between them.

Two endpoints and all the points in between them?

A line segment (sometimes just segment) is a pair of endpoints and all the points on a line between them.

Two endpoints and all points between them?

A Line

Does a line have two end points?

No. A line segment has two endpoints and a finite length,and includes all points on the line between its endpoints.

What is part of a line that consists of two points called endpoints and all points on the line that are between the endpoints?

line segment

What are two endpoints and all of the points between them called?

A line segment (sometimes just segment) is a pair of endpoints and all the points on a line between them.

What has two endpoints and all points between them?

A line segment.

What is a measurable part of a line that consists of two points called endpoints and all of the points in between?

A line segment is the measurable part of a line that consists of two points called endpoints.

What has no endpoints but its named by two points?

Geometry my dear Watson! A line. As defined: A set of points continuing in opposite directions.

How do you find the diameter of a circle when you have two endpoints?

Measure the distance between the two end points!

What is a part of a line consisting of two endpoints and all points in between them?

Line Segment