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Empty set or null set

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Q: A set that contains no elements is called an set or a set?
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What kind of set contains an unlimited number of elements?

It's called an infinite set.

What is the name of the set that contains all elements?

Name of the set which contains all elements is UNIVERSAL SET. It is usually represented by (U)

What set contains all the elements under consideration?

A unit set contains all the elements under consideration.

What is null set numbers?

It is a set that contains no elements: an empty set.

What are example of null set?

A null set is a set that contains no elements.

What is the answer a set that contains all the elements under consideration?

The universal set.

What is a finite set in math?

It is a set which contains a finite number of elements.

What does null set mean in math terms?

It is a set that contains no elements - an empty set.

What is empty and universal set?

The empty set is the one that contains nothing at all. The universal set contains everything. Those are oversimplified definitions, but provide a good place to start. When we talk about things in sets, we call the things contained in the sets elements. So we can be more precise and say the empty set is a unique set with no elements. The universal set contains all elements INCLUDING itself.

Is empty set the same as set of zero?

No. Zero is a number, so the "set of zero" contains one element. The empty set, also known as the null set, contains no elements.

Do 0 and the null set have the same number of elements?

You can't really compare that, since zero is not a set. The null set (empty set), which can be written as {}, is a set with zero elements. A set that only contains the number zero, in symbols {0}, contains one element. It is not the same as the empty set.

How many subsets are there in universal set?

If the universal set contains N elements then it has 2N subsets.