Oh, dude, that's like a column or a post or a pillar or whatever. It's like the strong, silent type holding things up in the middle, you know? Just standing there, doing its thing, not asking for any attention.
A collar tie
upper member,lower member , insical table,insicalpin ,vertical rods,condylar guide pin,mounting plate
x is a member of the function's domain, y is a member of the function's range.
0 belongs to the reals. It is a member of the irrationals, the rationals. It is also a member of the integers; It is a member (the identity) of the group of even integers, 3*integers, 4*integers etc with respect to addition.
(the best non0mem class so far is necromancer,evolved shaman and dragonlord.) That was the answer before mine and FYI Dragon Lord isn't technically non member; You still need to be a member on Dragon Fable so the order is Card Clasher, Necromancer, and Ranger that's my opinion
a single vertical supporting in the center?
A collar tie
Vertical members are called posts. often they have braces on either side of the post to support the weight as well.
Vertical side of a door frame is a "jamb"
No. A beam is a horizontal member. A column is a vertical member. They may, however, be made of the same part.
Serial number is on the left rear vertical frame member, visible from inside the LR wheel on a plate welded to the vertical member, plate is about 1" by 5" and 1/32" thick.
Supporting role/cast-member .
phone number to member service center for Columbia house house in Indianapolis,IN 46291