This is an exponent. It indicates how many times a number is to be multiplied by itself. An example is 23, which is 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.
Add your answer with the lower number of the subtraction problem and if it adds up to the upper number then you are right.
There are only 4 paintings that can be moved, one in each wing that is in the wrong place. Move them clockwise into the next wing.That is, move the upper left to the upper right, the upper right to the lower right, the lower right to the lower left, and the lower left to the upper left.
Start with 1 in the new row, to the left of the first number in the row above. Then, moving to the right, each number is the sum of the two numbers above it. Finally, finish with a 1 (sum of the 1 to the interior, and 0).Each hexagonal cell contains the sum of the integers directly above it to the upper left and upper right.
There is no upper limit to the number of angles you can have.
It is the small 2 on the upper right of numbers. For example 32 . If you're using Microsoft word, type X2 and then highlight just the "2". Then right click on it, hit font and then select "superscript"
a small number written in the upper righttop of the number
It is called an exponent. Thus if you see 7 with a small number whose value is 5 in the upper right of 7, it means multiply 7 by itself 5 times, in other words it is a short hand notation for 7x7x7x7x7 which yields16807. The exponent can be negative. So 7 with a -5 in the upper right of 7 means the reciprocal of 7x7x7x7x7 or (1)/(7x7x7x7x7) which yields 0.000059499 The exponent can be a fraction. So 7 with a 1/2 in the upper right of 7 is asking the question "what number multiplied by itself yields 7" or what is the square root of 7. So in this case the value would be 2.64575 roughly. The exponent can be a negative fraction. So 7 with a -1/2 in the upper right of 7 is asking the question "what is the reciprocal of the square root of 7". The value would be 0.37796 roughly Hence the small number written in the upper right of a number is a short form widely used in science and mathematics to convey many precise meanings
It is an exponent that tells you of what power the base number is to be raised by.
That is written 43. The lower, left, larger number is the base, the upper, right, smaller number is the exponent.
The right lobe of the liver is primarily located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, extending across the midline to the left upper quadrant.
The upper right central incisor is number 8.
The number in the upper right corner of each element on the Periodic Table is its atomic number. This number represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element.
upper right margin
In. and three superscripted- small and upper right corner
The sheet number on a map is in the upper right hand margin.
The sheet number on a map is in the upper right hand margin.