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Q: A user password should consist of a combination of at least 2 uppercase 2 lowercase 2 numbers 2 special characters?
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It told me to put an uppercase an atleast 1 lowercase into my password what does that mean?

An uppercase letter is commonly called a capital letter such as ABCDE, etc. Lowercase letters are the non-capital letters such as abcde, etc. The instructions to use at least one uppercase and at least one lowercase into your password is usually to make the password harder to decipher. This is not limiting your password to 1 uppercas AND 1 lowercase, it is merely stating that you need AT LEAST one of each in your password.

What is meant by the term password complexity with respect to an organisations password Policy?

Password complexity refers to the range of characters used in a password.Conventionally, the characters available for use on a US keyboard are :Uppercase (A B C)Lowercase (a b c)Numbers (1 2 3)Symbols (! @ #)Complexity is the mixture of different types of characters used in order to reduce the chance of some one else being able to use your account, and most companies will require an uppercase, lowercase and a number (or any combination of the above) in order to increase the security of passwords.

What is mean by upper and lowercase letters for password?

Passwords often require a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters for security. Uppercase letters are those in the capital form (e.g., A, B, C), while lowercase letters are in the small form (e.g., a, b, c). Using a mix of both increases the complexity of the password and makes it more difficult for hackers to guess.

What characters are allowed in passwords?

Common characters allowed in passwords include letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special characters such as !, @, #, $, %. It is important to check with specific systems or websites as each may have their own rules and restrictions for password creation.

How do you create strong passwords?

To create strong passwords, use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or common words. Aim for at least 12 characters in length and consider using a passphrase or password manager for added security.

What is the chance of guessing a password right?

The chance of guessing a password right depends on the length and complexity of the password. If it is a simple password with only a few characters or common patterns, the chance of guessing it correctly can be relatively high. However, with longer and more complex passwords that include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, the chance of guessing it right becomes extremely low.

What does a good password look like?

A good password is a password that is nothing anyone could guess or remember if they watched you type it in. Your password should be around 8 digits long and contain uppercase and lowercase letters along with special characters like: @#$%^&. However note some programs like Windows require your passwords to be under 28 digits.

What does case sensitive pretain to in computer terms?

Case sensitivity is when the data in question will be influenced on whether or not certain alphabetical characters are in uppercase or lowercase, thus the meaning of case sensitive.For example, if someone said your personal password to something was case sensitive and you decided to use the phrase, "Password"..."password" will not work. Likewise,"PASSWORD" will not work, either."PaSSworD" will, of course, not do it as well.If you entered "Password" and it is case-sensitive, "Password" will be what you need to enter every time.

What would be the 8 characters id password include a number an uppercase letter and a lower case letter?


What are examples of alphanumeric characters in an email address?

Alphanumeric characters are lowercase a-z, uppercase A-Z, and numbers 0-9. It does not include any punctuation characters, special characters, etc. Aggie80 is certainly an alphanumeric address. Most systems recommend that you use at least three of the four character sets, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. Not all systems will take symbols, so Aggie80 would be a fair alphanumeric password, (No, I don't use it!) it would be considered 'stronger' if it had at least 8 characters. So WikiAggie80 would be pretty good. It sure wouldn't appear in any dictionary!

What are the characteristics of a strong password?

Actually, it would be considered stronger to use a pass phrase. Use several easy to type words that make up more than 25 characters and use a special character or two like the ones above your number keys.Uses uppercase, lowercase, numbersDoes not use any part of the user's nameUses non-alphanumeric characters

What is the strongest password?

No 5 - Combine partial 2 or 3 or even 4 unrelated words together (mix uppercase and lowercase)User can combine 2 words together like "Diamond", "Blog","Security" to become "DiamBloSecu"No 4 - Combine word with number and (mix uppercase and lowercase)User can combine your name and your handphone number together, like your name "Scotfield", handphone is "01255447689″, then your password will become "Scotfield01255447689″, this is my favourite password to use also, because it is consider strong and easy to remember password.No 3 Replace Word with number and symbol randomly. (mix uppercase and lowercase)Good example is Microsoft suggest strongest password P@ssw0rd, it replace a with @ symbol and o with 0 (Zero), This will need some creative to think of it.No 2 Mix Word and number together randomly. (mix uppercase and lowercase)Let said, "Scotfield" and "01255447689″, if we mix randomly to become "S012cot5544fie76ld89″, frankly… i do not think is it possible to crack it..but it very hard to remember also.No1 Mix meanless Word, number and symbol randomly, and at least 15 length. (mix uppercase and lowercase)Strongest password equals to hardest remember password, for exampleE7r9t8@Q#h%Hy+Mer…. if possible please do not create above strongest password, because this is really very hard to remember------------------------I think that most difficult password that I could retrieve was (combination of Alpha numerics):"A4714GusToE19lAPT@0pmaMsUch&INe" I would suggest don't use this password because this is extremely difficult to remember. It will take more than two hundred years of computation by a high-speed super computer.