Century, which means 100 years, can be a synonym for 100. Mathematically, the number 100 can also be expressed as 102.
The decimal 0.26987 expressed in word form is: twenty-six thousand nine hundred eighty-seven hundred-thousandths.
Expressed in word form, this is equal to twelve point zero four.
Expressed in word form, this is equal to seven point two three.
Expressed verbally, this is equal to one million seven hundred thousand. Expressed numerically, this is equal to 1700000.
The root word of "carefully" is "care," which means to be concerned or attentive.
A word that means to read very carefully is peruse.
The word is "diplomatic," which means choosing words carefully to avoid causing offense or misunderstandings.
To overlook or observe closely
Gently Gently
The word you are looking for is "contemplate." It means to think deeply or carefully about something.
It means a physical feater expressed by genes.