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binary stars, more than 50 percent of the stars in the universe may occur in pairs or multiples.

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Q: About how many stars are estimated to occur in pairs or multiples?
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How many stars appear in pairs or multiples?

its hard to know that we still trying to find out

How many stars stars are in our galaxy?

Estimated at 200-400 billion stars.

What are stars that are found in pairs?

Two stars that are gravitationally bound to each other are sometimes called "binary stars".

How are distances estimated by studying stars and clusters and the galaxy?

the space from the planet the stars or clusters

What are stars found in pairs called?

Stars found in pairs are called binary stars. Binary stars orbit around a common center of mass due to gravitational attraction between them.

How many stars are there in the galaxy?

A typical galaxy may have anywhere between a few million (106) stars, and over a trillion (1012) stars. Our own Milky Way is estimated to have between 200 and 400 billion (2x1011-4x1011) stars.

Are yellow stars hotter than blue stars?

No Blue stars are estimated to have an effective temperature of ≥ 30,000 K Blue-white stars are estimated to have an effective temperature of 10,000-30,000 K By contrast, yellow stars only have an effective temperature of 5,200-6,000 K. Even yellow-white stars are only 6,000-7,500 K

How many stars our there in our galaxy?

It has been estimated that there are between 200 -> 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy

How many stars are there?

There are estimated to be around 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, and there are an estimated 100-200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. This means there could be around 10^24 stars in the observable universe.

What percentage of stars are binary stars?

Roughly half of all stars in the galaxy are estimated to be part of binary or multiple star systems. This means approximately 50% of stars are binary stars.

Why does nuclear fusion not occur on earth?

Because the conditions of temperature and pressure that occur in stars do not occur on earth

What are stars called that are found in pairs?

not a fancy name but its called a star cluster.