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Q: Add the year the declaration was signed and the year the constitution was written what do you get?
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In what year was the US Constitution signed?

September 17, 1787. The answer that was first here was 1776. I am sorry but that is not the right answer because it was a year that a famous document was signed but not this one. In 1776 The Declaration Of Independence was signed. The Constitution couldn't have come before The Declaration Of Independence, because the Constitution is a document listing the law of The United States Of America... We weren't in control of Great Britain when the Constitution was written.

When did the US sign constitution?

September 17, 1787. The answer that was first here was 1776. I am sorry but that is not the right answer because it was a year that a famous document was signed but not this one. In 1776 The Declaration Of Independence was signed. The Constitution couldn't have come before The Declaration of Independence, because the Constitution is a document listing the law of The United States of America... We weren't in control of Great Britain when the Constitution was written.

What year was the US Constitution formed?

It was written and signed in 1781

What year was the declaration of Arbroath signed?

It was written in the year 1296, during the war of independence, and was signed on the 5th of April 1320. Hope this helped you!

The year of constitution was signed?

The U.S. Constitution was signed in the year 1787.

When was th U.S Constitution drafted?

1776 - I think you will find this is the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. The Constitution was started in 1787 and ratified in 1788.

The Declaration of Independence was signed in which year-?

The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia on July 2, 1776.

What year was Declaration of Independence singed?

The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.

What year was the US Constitution sign?

The US Constitution was signed in 1787

What year was the us declaration of independence written?

The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776.

What year was US's Declaration of Independence written?

The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776.

In What year was the declaration of independence singed?

Signed on July 4, 1776.