The coordinates 30.891383-102.885032 point to a location on Earth, likely in Texas based on the format. The mention of an 11-foot bird living nearby is likely a riddle or puzzle, not a literal statement. Without further context or information, it is impossible to determine the name of the bird.
wandering albatross
16 hours, 50 minutes 17 hours would be 204 miles.
A mouse bird
Because bird IS the word it can be whatever you want it to be
because EVERYBODY knows that the bird is the word!
The tinamou bird lives in the jungles of South America.
Arctic tern
a plopinoogen bird
Artic Tern which travels 40 000 miles a year travelling from Antarctica to the artic for their summers
The flightless bird that lives on the pampas is the rhea (ñandú).
the balded bird
A Humping Bird.
A zombie bird :)
a crow.a bird what kind of bird do you want to know that lives in a nest and caws?
humming bird
The large, flightless bird that lives in Pampas of Argentina is the rhea, or ñandú.
yes the bird cardinal lives in Arizona