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character in a movie uses an iphone

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Q: An example of product placement is when a?
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Why is there a P in the bottom of the screen when coranation street comes on?

It's the symbol for product placement. It basically means there is some sort of advertising or product placement when your watch the programme for example Roy's rolls may stock coca-cola which is visible.

What was the first product placement in a movie?

Product placement dates back to the early nineteenth century although popular culture considers the Reese's Pieces placement in ET as the "first".

What of these exemplifies product placement?

Product placement is like for instance, in a movie someone is using a iPad. Like you even see the Apple logo.

What is an example of product placement?

An example of product placement is when a character on TV or in a movie uses an iPhone or puts on a pair of Nike shoes. Product placement can also be when a TV episode is written about a particular product, such as the Dunphy family on Modern Family trying to buy their father an iPad.

What actors and actresses appeared in Product Placement - 2004?

The cast of Product Placement - 2004 includes: Celia Evans as Janet Howard Tonkin as Scott

What is is product place ment?

Product placement is when you put a brand name someplace that people will subconsciously notice while doing something else. This usually occurs in tv shows and movies. For example, if a character in the movie is sitting there drinking a Mountain Dew, and label clearly says Mountain Dew, this is product placement. It's essentially an advertisement technique to get people to subconsciously want the product.

What are the release dates for Reality Show - 2012 Product Placement 1-3?

Reality Show - 2012 Product Placement 1-3 was released on:USA: 15 November 2012Reality Show - 2012 Product Placement - 1.3 was released on:USA: 15 November 2012

In a famous episode of Seinfeld and in an infamous example of paid product placement Roy is miraculously healed after Kramer accidentally drops what candy into him during a surgery?

Junior Mint

Why are VAIO Sony laptops mostly shown in movies that include laptops in them?

its called product placement and Sony pay the film studios to use their products in their films. lookup product placement on wikipedia

What is the advertising word for showing a product during a movie?

The paying of money to have a product shown or used in a movie is called "Product placement".

Is placement a verb?

Yes, "placement" can be used as a verb in the context of putting something in a particular position or location. For example, "I will placement the book on the shelf."

What brand has the most product placement?

Probably coke or apple computers.