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The composition of normal atmospheric air is N2 - 78%, O2 - 21% and other miscellaneous gasses make up the balance. SO,

Any O2 concentration greater than 22-23% would be O2 considered enriched.

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Q: An oxygen enriched atmosphere has an oxygen concentration greater than?
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What are examples of an oxygen-enriched atmosphere?

a properly calibrated oxygen monitor reading 23.9% oxygen

What is an oxygen enriched environment?

An oxygen-enriched environment is one where the concentration of oxygen in the air is higher than the normal atmospheric level of around 21%. This can be achieved through the use of oxygen tanks or oxygen concentrators. Such environments are sometimes used in medical settings to assist patients with breathing difficulties or in industrial settings for certain processes.

What percentage of oxygen makes an atmosphere oxygen enriched?

An atmosphere is considered oxygen-enriched when it contains more than 21% oxygen by volume. Levels higher than this can present safety hazards due to the increased risk of fire and may require monitoring or ventilation.

An oxygen deficient atmosphere has an oxygen concentration less than?

An oxygen deficient atmosphere has an oxygen concentration less than the normal level of around 21%.

Can normal human senses detect oxygen enriched atmoshpere?

No, normal human senses cannot detect an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, as our senses do not have the ability to directly detect or measure the percentage of oxygen in the air. Specialized equipment is needed to accurately measure the oxygen content in an atmosphere.

Is oxygen decreasing?

There is no indication at present that the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is declining.

In an oxygen enriched atmosphere some possible sources of elevated oxygen levels include?

leaking oxygen cylinders and liquid oxygen systems in the immediate area

What is the concentration of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere?

Approximately 20%.

What are some events that happen during the precambrian era?

life arose and the atmosphere became enriched in oxygen

Which of the following gases could be found in the atmosphere with a concentration greater than 1 percent?

Oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) are the two main gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere, with oxygen typically present at around 21% and nitrogen at around 78%. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is also a component of the atmosphere, but its concentration is currently around 0.04%.

Oxygen debt in muscles may develop because of?

too high a concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere

Second most common element in the atmosphere?

Nitrogen has the highest i.e. 78% concentration in the atmosphere. On the second spot lies oxygen with a concentration of about 21%.