No, that is studid! Aleins never excisted there is just people paid to say that they have real footage of aleins! Also, there is absolutly no proof that they excist!
NO for Integers NO for Real Numbers proof 1 * any integer is not bigger than that integer nor is 0 * any integer. proof for Real Numbers is easier any real < 1 * any real > 0 is not larger than the second Real for example .5 * 1 = .5 is less than 1 or .5 * 2 = 1 less than 2 or .5 * = 1 less than 2 or -1 *3 = -3 less than 3 so all fractions times a positive Real is less than that positive Real All negative numbers times a positive Real is less than that positive Real and 0 or 1 times all positive Reals is also less than that positive Real NO NO NO is the answer
The reflexive property of equality states that any number is equal to itself. This property has no proof, as it is the fundamental building-block of all other proofs.
Let a be any term. Then, the number that is multiplied itself is expressed as: an where a is any real value, and n is any real integer.
No. The sequence (n*sin(n)) is not properly divergent. To be properly divergent it must either "tend to" +inf or -inf. We say that (xn) tends to +inf if for every real number a there exists a natural number N such that if n>=N, then xn>a. It is clear that no such N exists for all real numbers because n*sin(n) oscillates (because of the sin(n)). Therefore (n*sin(n)) is not properly divergent. This is not a rigorous proof but the definition of proper divergence is precise and can be used for any proof dealing with proper divergence.
....25 cents just like any other post-1965 non-proof quarter. State quarters are not rare or valuable unless they are proof or have some error.
Aleins r not realllll
This cannot truly be answered, because their is still no proof of alien life.
no but there is no proof that they aren't
Not by that name.
It is possible but not proven. There is nothing to indicate any life on any planets we can observe from Earth, but there may be elsewhere.
There has never been any proof because Vampires are make-believe.
nobody knows aliens could be real but it has not been proven but answering your question, mars?, pluto?
Nobody knows but NASA might know in the future.
The only real proof would be when a person reveals their sexual orientation.
Apparently they are not real, as there has never been any firm proof of their existence.