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Yes they are also as verticals are corners

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Q: Are faces and sides the same thing in maths?
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How many sides faces and edges does a cube have?

A cube has 6 sides.Since faces are the same thing as sides, it has 6 faces.It has 12 edges.A cube has 6 sides.Since faces are the same thing as sides, it has 6 faces.It has 12 edges.A cube has 6 sides.Since faces are the same thing as sides, it has 6 faces.It has 12 edges.A cube has 6 sides.Since faces are the same thing as sides, it has 6 faces.It has 12 edges.

How many sides and faces does a octahedron have?

Sides and faces are the same thing, and an octahedron has eight.

What are the sides edges faces of a cuboid?

Sides and faces are the same thing. There are 6 of them. There are 12 edges.

How many sides faces and vertices does a square based pyramid?

5 faces and 5 vertices. Since sides are the same thing as faces, there are 5 sides.

What is a crystal and how many faces and sides?

A crystal is a polyhedral shape. The number of faces (which means the same thing as sides) depends on the crystal.

How many side faces and vertices does a hexagonal prism have?

Sides and faces are the same thing. A hexagonal prism has 8 faces and 12 vertices.

Are edges and sides the same thing?

It gets confusing. In a futile attempt to standardize terminology, use "sides" for 2d figures (the sides of a square), use "edges" for 3d figures (the edges of a prism) and use "faces" for 3d figures (the faces of a tetrahedron).

How is mathematics related to maths?

They are the same thing.

What shape has 6 faces and the lengths are not the same?

Shapes have sides. Do you mean, what shape has 6 sides or, what solid has 6 faces?

How many sides has an icosidodecahedron got?

An icosidodecahedron has twenty triangular faces and twelve pentagonal faces... so 42 sides, but the sides are not all shaped the same.

How many sides faces and vertex does a pyramid has?

A pyramid is a generic term. There are pyramids with triangular bases, square or rectangular or quadrilateral bases, pentagonal base and so on. A pyramid whose base is a polygon with n sides has n+1 sides (which are the same thing as faces), and n+1 vertices.

How many sides and faces does a pyramid have?

A side and face of a three-dimensional object are the same thing. A pyramid is a generic term. It refers to a solid object with a polygonal face - with n number of sides (n > 2) - and n triangular faces that meet at an apex. So a pyramid can have 4 or more faces.