All squares are rhombuses. A square is a special case of a rhombus with adjacent sides at right-angles. yes, squares are rhombuses.
yes all squares are rhombuses but not all rhombuses are squares
Are all rectangles parallelograms
Squares, Rectangles, and Rhombuses.
A rhombus is a quadrilateral in which all of the sides are of equal length, It is an equilateral quadrangle. If any angle of an equilateral quadrangle is a right angle, then all its angles are right angles. It is also a square. All squares are rhombuses. Some rhombuses are squares. A rhombus is a parallelogram with 4 congruent sides. A square is a rhombus with 4 congruent angles.
No. Rhombuses that are also rectangles are called squares. Rhombuses are parallelograms with 4 equal sides, while rectangles are parallelograms where all the angles are right.
Only rhombuses are rhombuses. Some rhombuses are squares.
All rhombuses are NOT squares.
well sort of but squares are bigger then rhombuses
yes all squares are rhombuses but not all rhombuses are squares
Rhombuses, diamonds, rectangles, and squares.
Squares always have 4 interior angles which each measure 90°; rhombuses do not.
Well i dont really no this question so yeah.
Yes Every square is a rhombus, but not all rhombuses are squares.
Both squares a rhombuses have all equal sides. A square is a rhombus with 4 right angles.