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They must be otherwise they would not be diagonals.

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Q: Are the diagnols of a parallelogram always diagnol?
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In a parallelogram a diagnol separates the parallelogram into?

two congruent triangles

What are two kinds of quadrilaterals whose opposite sides are parallel but do not have congruent diagnols?

Parallelogram and Trapezoid.

Is a rhombus a parallelogram?

Yes. A rhombus is a special kind of parallelogram. It's a four-sided figure that has all of the characteristics it needs to be called a parallelogram, plus the extra feature that it needs to be called a rhombus.A parallelogram doesn't need to have all four sides the same length. If they are, then it can also be called a rhombus.In the same way ... the rhombus doesn't need to have all four angles the same size. If they are, then the rhombus can also be called a square.

If a game board is a quadrilateral with diagnols that bisect each other the game board will be a?

Parallelogram (Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, or Rhomboid) or a Kite

How many diagnols does a triangle have?

a triangle has 0 diagnols

Is a recatangle a parallelogram?

Yes, always. But a parallelogram is not always a rectangle.

Is a rhombus not always a parallelogram?

False. A rhombus is always a parallelogram.

What are the qualities of a parallelogram?

1. 4 sides 2. Opposite sides are equal in length 3. Opposite sides are parallel 4. The opposite (diagnol) angles are equal (The types of a REGULAR parallelogram are: square, rectangle, diamond, rhombus, etc.)

Is a A square a parallelogram?

No, a parallelogram is not always a square, but a square is a parallelogram.

A square is a parallelogram.?

No, a parallelogram is not always a square, but a square is a parallelogram.

Is a parallelogram is a square?

No, a parallelogram is not necessarily square.However, by definition, a square is always a parallelogram.

What is a rhombus that is not a parallelogram?

A rhombus is always a parallelogram, by definition.