There are 52 weeks in one year.
128 weeks 52 weeks in a year26 in half a year =128 weeks
9 months
There are about 52 weeks in one year. Multiply this by 12 years, and you get 624 weeks.
Approximately 1/52 of a year. There are about 52 weeks in one year.
No, if there, were there would be 8.6 days in a week.A year is 365.24 days long, and normally 52 weeks.
In an average year, there are 52 weeks. Hence in 42 years, there are 52 x 42 weeks = 2184 weeks. However, if you want to take the number of days + leap years into account (which occur every four years), then you must calculate using the number of days. Therefore, on average, there are 365.25 days per year (taking into account leap years). 365.25 x 42 = 15340.5 15340.5/7 = 2191.5 weeks. For a specific answer if you're calculating in terms of specific years, you would have to determine which year is the first leap year to determine how many leap years occur in the 42 years.
48 weeks equal one year
A year is 52 weeks. 5 weeks is 5/52 of one year.
52 weeks in one year .
42 weeks = 9.665753425 months
There are 52 weeks in a year, so 13 weeks in one fourth of a year.
there are 52 weeks in a year. origanal 52.142857
42 weeks as professional
There are 52 working weeks in a year, unless you are a teacher. If you get paid vacation, you can subtract one or two weeks.
There are 42 days in six weeks.
One year is 52 weeks. 32/4=8 Thus, 32 weeks is approximately 8 months.