Troll more. *Stops feeding you*. There are ONLY positives for doing ecstasy, if its pure and you have no pre-existing health problems anyway.
what are some positives and negatives of television
Equal living for everyone
The positives and negatives of starting an on premise catering business, is that you can't travel. The positive is that you can make money and have repeat customers. The negative is that you may not be in a good spot.
The iPad has no positives. Go buy yourself a Nexus 7.
No ecstasy does not contain any "myth". However it is possible for them to contain METH!
Almost every ecstasy pill is different. Any dealer could get any press stamp and put whatever they want in it.
The best and only answer is to not use ecstasy or any other illegal drug and you will be sure to pass any blood test for drugs.
yes there is poitives such as it causes moisture to the oceans
Useing Ebay or Craigslist would be ideal to find used or new anything for cheap.
Useing action
Of course not !! It's NEVER OK to take ANY ecstasy.
Anorexia is bad. Plain and simple.
well it depends what kind of projectile you are useing. to me it would sound like you are useing a air-rifle, anyway what every you are useing and i dont know why you want to what you want to do but just make sure you get a clean kill :)
Just to be safe I stopped taking provigil two days before using ecstasy. I didn't have any issues.
Useing your diaphragm to speak