Yes they are. The invention of the transistor signalled the end of large, bulky valves in circuits. Modern transistors are so small - that thousands can be housed on one microchip.
Apple Macs don't use valves (computers haven't used valves since around 1955). However, transistors are very much smaller than valves (by several orders of magnitude), are much more reliable, are cheaper to mass produce and offer much greater efficiency.
Some transistors are as big as a bucket, and some are smaller as an average human hair's width.
Transistors are made that are smaller than a human hair. Used as part of an integrated circuit chip, which may contain thousands of transistors.
the exhaust valve will always be smaller as the piston is forcing the combusted gases out. The intake valves have to be bigger as the piston is only drawing the mixture in through sucktion.
Transistors are made that are smaller than a human hair. Used as part of an integrated circuit chip, which may contain thousands of transistors.
Both. It is smaller than 4.1 and bigger than 3.9
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
There are 8 planets Mercury (smaller than Earth) Venus (smaller than Earth) Earth Mars (smaller than Earth) Jupiter (bigger than Earth) Saturn (bigger than Earth) Uranus (bigger than Earth) Neptune (bigger than Earth) so 3 smaller & 4 bigger than Earth 37.5% smaller than Earth 50% bigger than Earth
Well, Anything bigger than 180 but smaller than 360 .
A garage is something bigger than your car but smaller than your house.
A bigger persons voice is bigger than a smaller persons voice because a bigger person chest is bigger while the smallers person chest is smaller.