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Q: Are two obtuse triangles sometimes always or never similar?
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Are two obtuse triangles always similar?

Not always, sometimes two obtuse triangles are similar and sometimes they are not similar.

Are all obtuse triangles similar?

No not all obtuse triangular are similar. :)

Are triangles always regular?

Of course not! There are obtuse and acute triangles.

Are the exterior angles of a scalene triangle always obtuse?

No, they are not always obtuse, because a scalene triangle can also sometimes be an obtuse triangle (meaning that one interior angle is obtuse), making one exterior angle acute. Scalene triangles also can be a right triangles (meaning that one interior angle is a right angle), which would make an exterior angle a right angle. Then also they can be acute triangles, in this case all 3 exterior angles are obtuse.

Is it false an obtuse triangle is never right?

It's true that an obtuse triangle is never right because obtuse triangles are bigger than right triangles, which are 90 degrees. Obtuse Triangles are always bigger than Right triangles(90 degrees) , so It is true.

Can an acute and obtuse triangle be similar?

No. Similar triangles have all the same angles. An acute triangle can never have an obtuse angle, so the two cannot be similar.

Do two obtuse triangles have to be similar?

No, because they only have the limitations of 91 degrees (lowest obtuse angle) and 179 degrees (highest obtuse angle). Two obtuse angles could be either of them or anything in between.

What triangle has at least one obtuse angle?

-- If a triangle has an obtuse angle in it, then it's called an obtuse triangle. -- No triangle can have more than one obtuse angle in it . -- Right triangles, acute triangles, and equilateral triangles don't have any obtuse angles in them.

What types of triangles can have an obtuse angle?

An obtuse triangle

What do acute triangles and obtuse triangles have in common?

they are both angkes

Why does the obtuse triangles has the smaller perimeter than other triangles?

They don't always- they don't always 'has' a smaller perimeter than other triangles. A triangle can be absolutely any size as long as it has three sides and angles that add to 180 degrees

How can you classify triangles by their angles?

Triangles may be right triangles equilateral triangles acute or obtuse triangles