Length2 x 6.. in other words - the length of one side squared, then multiplied by 6
If each edge of a cube is w, then the area of each face of the cube is w2 .Since the cube has 6 faces, its total surface area is 6w2.The volume of the cube is w3 .
[width] x [length] x 6 = Area of a cube . Note: width and length should be the same if its a cube.
The cube's surface area is 54 cm2 and its volume is 27 cm3
If you mean surface area, the answer is 197.372 mm2
To tackle this you first need to know the equations for both volume and surface area. The surface area of a cube is 6x2 where x is the side length. The volume of the cube is x3. Thus x is the cube root of the volume. We can substitute this in to the surface area equation and say that the surface area of a cube is 6volume2/3 This can also be rearranged to say that the volume of the cube is (the surface area/6)1.5
Total surface area of a cube = 6*area of cube face = 6*cube side*cube side
volume is to a cube volume is to a cube
The surface area of a 0.5cm cube is 1.5cm2
The surface area of a 1mm cube is 6mm2
The surface area of a cube is 6 * side^2
Zero. A cube does not have a curved surface area.
The total surface area of a cube would be 6 x area-of-one-cube-face (there are 6 faces to a cube). Each face of a cube is a square. If any edge of the cube is "a", then: 6 x a x a.
If each edge of a cube is w, then the area of each face of the cube is w2 .Since the cube has 6 faces, its total surface area is 6w2.The volume of the cube is w3 .
34 squares
The surface area of the cube will be about 216cm2
It quadruples in area.
Surface Area of Cube is 6 x a^2 where a is the length of one side of cube. Volume of Cube is a^3 where a is the length of one side of cube.