The fraction with the smaller denominator has fewer pieces in the whole. So each piece must be bigger.
the bottom part of a fraction is the denominator. and the denominator tells how many pieces are in an object or thing. For example; 1/4 means that there are 4 pieces of something. (Hope this helped!)
A denominator is the part of a fraction which indicates the number of pieces that make a whole For example, in the fraction 5 / 6, the 6 is the denominator, indicating that 6 parts makes a whole.
It's the denominator I think, but it could be the numerator
Any fraction that has a denominator of one is a whole number. Remember the numerator tells you "How many pieces out of" and the denominator tells you the "Total number of pieces per whole". Therefore any number over 1 is the numerator.1/1 = 12/1 = 23/1 = 34/1 = 45/1 = 5 and so on.
The denominator tells you the total of the pieces in the fraction.
The denominator is how many pieces are in a whole, or one, while the numerator is the number of pieces you have of the whole.
The fraction with the smaller denominator has fewer pieces in the whole. So each piece must be bigger.
the bottom part of a fraction is the denominator. and the denominator tells how many pieces are in an object or thing. For example; 1/4 means that there are 4 pieces of something. (Hope this helped!)
The denominator.
The denominator.
It depends. If you mean how many pieces there are in all, It's the denominator. But if it is how many pieces are left in a whole, it's the numerator.
A denominator is the part of a fraction which indicates the number of pieces that make a whole For example, in the fraction 5 / 6, the 6 is the denominator, indicating that 6 parts makes a whole.
The numerator tells how many of something, and the denominator tells the size of the "something". Take a pizza and cut it into 8 pieces. Each piece is one eighth, or one of eight (1/8), so 8 is the denominator. If you take 3 pieces, you now have three eighths (3/8) of the pizza.
It increases it.
It's the denominator I think, but it could be the numerator